Sealed Lips-Don’t Talk to the Police

When stopped for a DUI or traffic violations, detained or arrested, you are required only to provide your true name and identification. You have no obligation to answer any questions, none whatsoever (when, what, how many drinks you had, during a DUI stop for instance).

Be clear and firm so they stop questioning you
Tell the cop LOUD & CLEAR that “I do not wish to speak, I take the 5th, and I want an attorney”. Refrain from answering any questions even if they claim you’re not a suspect. Don’t get tempted no matter how kind and friendly the officer is. Law enforcement officers are trained to use tactics to get confessions and elicit information that would hurt you in court.

If you sound uncertain about your rights, they will persist questioning until you spill out incriminating statement.

Remember, don’t waive your Miranda rights if you’re arrested. You are not obligated to talk. Remaining silent is extremely crucial and to your advantage, even if you’ve done no wrong. Be courteous Listen to Regent Law School professor and former defense attorney James Duane explain why you would never talk to the police:

Here is the police officer’s response in part two:

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